8 Lifestyle Changes To Improve IVF Success Rates

8 Lifestyle Changes To Improve IVF Success Rates

Every couple has the desire to experience a healthy pregnancy. However, due to certain infertility issues such as ovulation disorders and sperm morphological problems, you may experience multiple failed attempts to conceive. In such cases, you can seek the benefits of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and enjoy the bliss of parenthood. Visit a renowned IVF centre in Siliguri to have a comfortable experience during the IVF cycle. 

IVF is one of the most effective ways to sustain your fertility but for a successful attempt, the doctor indicates to you to prepare your body 2-3 months in advance. You must know that you and your partner must gain the full potential for a successful fertilization of the egg and sperm. Herein, you need to adopt certain lifestyle adjustments before, during, and after IVF that will contribute to enhancing the success rates of the treatment. Contacting the infertility specialist is vital to learn about the necessary lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Recommendations Enhancing The Rates of IVF Success 

1. Indulge in regular exercise 
One of the most important lifestyle improvements that you need to adopt is indulging in regular exercise. You must know that having a low or high body mass index can have a significant effect on your fertility rate. This is why to ensure a healthy pregnancy you need to take the necessary steps for weight control. 

Through proper exercise and diet, you can attain a healthy weight which needs to be below 23.0 kg/m2. Some of the best exercises that you can do before starting the IVF cycle and even during pregnancy are yoga and walking. Herein, you can also consider practicing swimming, light stretching, and other low-impact exercises. However, remember to avoid any strenuous activities as it can interfere with the IVF stages.

2. Eat a healthy diet 
Diet plays a vital role in improving IVF success rates. You must note that for healthy sperm production and egg quality, your body needs sufficient levels of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. This is why couples planning to get pregnant through IVF must increase the amount of vital nutrients in their diet. 

Some healthy food choices for mothers to improve egg quality and ensure healthy ovulation are bananas, green leafy vegetables, eggs, milk, whole grains, and salmon. Additionally, the father-to-be needs to follow a healthy diet to produce motile sperms which include chocolate, eggs, soybean, and berries. You are also required to avoid any packaged, high-sugar, and fat products such as chips, cookies, carbonated beverages, and sausages during the treatment. 

3. Manage stress 
Stress also plays a huge role in decreasing your fertility rates. If you have high stress levels during the IVF treatment then it can decrease its success rates. It is pivotal for you to manage stress during the IVF cycle through positive thinking and other relaxation techniques. 

Herein, it is quite natural to be stressed about the IVF treatment but you must always support and encourage each other during the process to activate the production of endorphins or feel-good hormones. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious during the treatment then you can contact the infertility specialist in Siliguri to find some strategies to overcome it. Yoga, meditation, and therapy are some of the best techniques that can help you manage stress. 

4. Take the prescribed supplements 
The infertility specialist might recommend various supplements during the IVF cycle. You and your partner both must adhere to the instructions of the doctor regarding the supplements and never miss a dosage. One of the most essential supplements during the treatment is folic acid as it not only improves IVF success but also reduces the likelihood of birth defects and brain damage of the fetus by ensuring embryonic health.

In addition, vitamin D is another crucial supplement that helps in supporting a healthy pregnancy. Some supplements are prescribed by the doctor especially for the father-to-be to make the sperm healthy and ready for a successful fertilization. Selenium, vitamins A, C, B12, and E, and zinc are a few essential supplements.

5. Get enough sleep 
Along with exercise, stress, and diet, sleep can also have a major role in ensuring IVF success. This is why it is always recommended by the doctor to all infertile couples to sleep for around 7-8 years every night. Sleeping is one of the most vital factors that can sustain the metabolic process and rejuvenate all the necessary organs required for a healthy pregnancy. 

Herein, to increase the chances of becoming pregnant you can follow a proper bedtime routine that can induce quality sleeping. Some effective measures that you can take for undisturbed sleep are improving the sleeping environment, avoiding eating before 2-3 hours of sleep, and reducing caffeine intake. Always remember that lack of sleep can reduce fertility while disrupting hormone levels.

6. Quit alcohol consumption and smoking 
Alcohol and smoking are two improper lifestyle habits that you must avoid entirely while undergoing IVF treatment. If you indulge in heavy drinking and excessive smoking during the treatment then it can reduce your fertility rates, destroy the quality of sperm, decrease the chances of successful embryo implantation, and damage the sperm DNA. 

These consequences indicate that it is always a better option to avoid these harmful items. Not only before or during the IVF cycle, but also after attaining a healthy pregnancy, you must avoid smoking and drinking as it can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome or cause miscarriage. You must avoid these items from your life to ensure the proper well-being of the little one growing inside you. 

7. Avoid sexual intercourse before a few days of sperm collection 
While diagnosing the main reason for infertility, the doctor might advise your partner to undergo semen analysis. You must remember that to ensure precise results of the test, it is recommended to refrain from any sexual activity for around 2-3 days. This is because ejaculation before sperm collection can diminish the quality of the sperm. 

Herein, this process must also be followed when the sperm will be collected for fertilization. If you have performed any sexual activity before collection of the sperm then no quality sperm will be available for a successful fertilization. You must note that a sufficient sperm volume is pivotal during IVF so that the doctor can select some high-quality sperm to increase success rates. 

8. Reduce exposure to toxins and harmful chemicals 
It is also by the infertility specialist to avoid exposure to any harmful chemicals or environmental toxins during IVF. During the preparation stage of the treatment, the chemicals that we use every day can reduce fertility rates. Some such materials that you must avoid are paraben-containing soaps, phenol or BPA-containing food packaging, stain repellents, and pesticides. 

In some cases, it is also advised to avoid brominated flame retardants which are mainly found in yoga mats, furniture, electronics, and clothing. To be on the safe side, you can also reduce the usage of certain cosmetics and nail polishes as they can contain parabens and formaldehyde. 

Along with these lifestyle changes, choosing the right IVF center in Siliguri with high success rates is also pivotal to ensuring a successful IVF cycle. You must know that it is quite natural to feel stressed or tensed about the treatment but with healthy habits and support from your partner you can attain success and enjoy a comfortable pregnancy experience. 

Dr Priyankur Roy
Dr. Priyankur Roy


Dr. Priyankur Roy is a distinguished expert in Infertility Treatment and Gynae-Endoscopy. With advanced qualifications from Germany and the UK, he excels in providing high-quality medical care.

This blog is clinically verified by Dr. Priyankur Roy to ensure accuracy and reliability.

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