Infertility is becoming a common health issue and millions of couples are struggling with the same challenge. You must know that infertility can be caused due to male or female-related factors that may hamper the normal functioning of your reproductive system. If you’ve been trying unprotected intercourse for more than a year and still have not attained a successful conception then without any delay contact the best infertility specialist in Siliguri.
There are various available treatments and assisted reproductive technology that can help you achieve a healthy pregnancy while treating female infertility problems. However, to recommend the best treatment option the doctor needs to perform various diagnostic tests. Some of the effective diagnostic tests to determine the cause of female infertility are thyroid function, ovulation, and ovarian function testing.
Here are Some of the Probable Causes of Female Infertility
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a common cause of infertility which is caused due to an imbalance in androgen hormone levels. The ovaries are hugely impacted by this disorder which may lead to irregular periods and small cysts in the ovaries. Some of the common symptoms of PCOS that you must never ignore are headaches, excessive hair growth, heavy bleeding, baldness, and acne.
Without treating this condition at the right time, it can interrupt normal patterns of ovulation while causing infertility. Hormonal birth control medications and surgery along with lifestyle improvements are the most effective treatment options for PCOS.
2. Overweight
Another factor that can contribute to female infertility is being overweight. Hormonal balance is an essential factor for normal menstrual cycle and ovulation but excessive body weight significantly disrupts this balance. Herein, leptin is a hormone which is produced in higher levels among obese women and this is the main hormone associated with decreased fertility.
People with more abdominal weight and abnormal distribution of fat have higher chances of abnormal menstrual cycles with fertility difficulties. To maintain your body weight and improve fertility rates, you need to adopt a healthy diet and exercise regularly. You can also visit the best IVF centre in Siliguri to decrease the likelihood of anovulatory infertility.
3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is another painful condition that can lead to abnormal tissue growth in the wrong places of your reproductive system. This abnormal tissue lining can lead to infertility and cause distressing symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include abdominal pain, painful menstrual cramps, pain during bowel movements, and heavy bleeding.
To suppress the growth of endometriosis and improve fertility rates, the doctor can prescribe various hormonal options such as birth control pills. If the endometriosis has progressed to an advanced stage then surgical options can be advised. The effective surgeries to remove the abnormal tissues include hysterectomy and laparoscopy.
4. Ovulation Disorders
The release of eggs at the right time is extremely essential for a successful pregnancy. However, there are various ovulation disorders that can affect this process while reducing fertility rates. Premature ovarian failure, excessive levels of prolactin, and hypothalamic dysfunction are some of the common types of ovulation disorders causing infertility.
Sudden weight changes, irregular menstrual cycles, and mood swings can be certain indications of the presence of ovulation problems. In most cases, doctors recommend lifestyle modifications and fertility medications to improve the frequency of ovulation and the quality of the eggs. If thyroid issues are causing ovulation-related infertility then the doctor will prescribe thyroid hormone replacement therapy to bring back the hormones into normal range.
5. Uterine Fibroids
Another critical cause of infertility is uterine fibroids which are basically non-cancerous tumors present in the uterus. These types of fibroids can vary in size and number while in some cases, it can impair gamete transport by obstructing the fallopian tubes. You must know that many women with uterine fibroids achieve a healthy pregnancy but if it is causing any fertility issues then you must contact a reputed infertility specialist in Siliguri.
Bleeding between periods, lower back pain, vaginal discharge, constipation, and frequent urination are some of the noticeable signs of uterine fibroids. After the diagnosis of uterine fibroids is finalized through ultrasonography, the doctor will recommend medications. However, in the case of larger fibroids, surgery is required to remove those.
6. Advanced Age
Many couples who are suffering from infertility are over 35 years old. You must know that apart from medical conditions, age can also have a significant impact on the fertility rates of a woman. Your fertility will gradually start to decrease after you reach 35 and it further declines more rapidly from 37 years. Additionally, as you age the quality as well as quantity of the eggs also reduce which makes it more difficult for you to conceive.
Along with decreased fertility rates, advanced maternal age can be a major factor behind the increased risk of pregnancy complications. Some such issues are fetal chromosomal abnormalities, miscarriage, gestational diabetes, stillbirth, and preterm birth. In most cases of advanced age, the doctor advises to undergo assisted reproductive technology such as IVF and ICSI for a successful pregnancy.
7. Premature Ovarian Failure
Premature ovarian failure or primary ovarian insufficiency happens when the ovaries stop functioning normally even before the age of 40. In this condition, your ovaries stop releasing sufficient amounts of eggs and don’t produce the required amounts of estrogen. As a result, this condition is also associated with infertility due to the absence of quality eggs.
The symptoms of ovarian failure that you shouldn’t ignore are loss of libido, trouble attaining pregnancy, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes. It is important to contact a doctor immediately if you have missed more than 3 periods. This condition cannot be reversed but the symptoms and associated health conditions can be managed with hormone replacement therapy.
8. Fallopian Tube Blockage
Female infertility can also be caused due to fallopian tube blockage or damage. The fallopian tube plays a major role in fertilization because it is the main place where the sperm meets the egg. Any blockage in this location will stop the sperm from fertilizing your eggs and as a result, will lead to fertility.
The probable causes of fallopian tube blockage are endometriosis, adhesions from previous pelvic surgery, pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal ligation, and ectopic pregnancy. In most cases, women with this condition don’t experience any significant symptoms but the underlying issues causing the blockage can lead to abnormal menstrual cycle or pelvic pain. Tubal cannulation, IVF, and surgery can help in treating the blockages.
9. Abnormal Cervical Mucus
Cervical mucus is a gel-like fluid that is discharged from the cervix. The thickness and amount of this cervical mucus changes throughout your menstrual cycle which also helps in releasing the sperm for a successful transportation towards the eggs. If you have abnormal cervical mucus then it will be difficult for the sperm to reach the eggs and fertilize it.
As a result, it causes infertility while promoting sperm destruction and inhibiting penetration. Cervical stenosis and cervicitis are some of the health issues that make infertility associated with abnormal cervical mucus more likely. Cervical dilation, antibiotics, IVF, and IUI are effective treatment options that can control abnormal cervical mucus.
Contacting a renowned infertility specialist in Siliguri will help you to understand the underlying causes of female infertility. Apart from fertility medications and surgery, IUI, assisted hatching, ICSI, usage of donor sperm or eggs, and pre-implantation genetic testing are the other treatment options to restore fertility and achieve a successful pregnancy.

Dr. Priyankur Roy
Dr. Priyankur Roy is a distinguished expert in Infertility Treatment and Gynae-Endoscopy. With advanced qualifications from Germany and the UK, he excels in providing high-quality medical care.
This blog is clinically verified by Dr. Priyankur Roy to ensure accuracy and reliability.
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