Infertility is a condition which makes it difficult for a couple to conceive a child. This disease is caused by various factors including age, eating disorders, exposure to environmental toxins, obesity or underweight, hormone abnormalities, and chronic conditions. If you are suffering from this disease and want an effective treatment consider visiting an infertility specialist in Siliguri. To treat this condition the doctor uses IVF or in vitro fertilization, which is one of the most effective infertility treatment options.
During this procedure, the doctor collects healthy eggs from ovaries and fertilized them with sperm in a lab. However, like other treatments, there is a possibility that this procedure fails sometimes. This is because of age, quality of the embryo, chromosomal abnormalities, implantation issues, and lifestyle. If your IVF doesn’t work you can consult with your doctor to know the reason behind the failure and discuss other treatment options.
Things to do next when the fertility treatment doesn’t work
Take a break
It is true that after an unsuccessful treatment, you might feel frustrated and want to start another treatment right away. However, it is recommended that you need to wait for at least six to eight months before choosing another treatment option. Since the IVF cycles are challenging and your body has gone through several physical changes. Taking breaks is also necessary because your body needs to recover from the inflammation caused by medications, deal with stress, and anxiety, and for financial recovery as IVF treatments are quite expensive. This will give you the time to prepare yourself for other treatment options as well.
Understand the cause
Another thing you need to do after unsuccessful IVF treatment is to understand the reason for failure. Several factors result in an IVF failure including bad embryo quality, genetic abnormalities, and uterine receptivity. Also, the timing of embryo transfer, ovarian responses, and your underlying health condition may be the reason for a failed IVF. You can also make an appointment to visit the best infertility doctor in Siliguri for testing which can provide valuable insight.
One may feel disappointed after a failed attempt but understanding the potential reason is necessary for you. This helps you to make the necessary decision later on which enhances your successful outcomes later on.
Emotional support
After a failed attempt it is common for an individual to feel emotional breakdown. During this situation, you can seek infertility counselling as it offers a perfect space where you can share your emotions and feelings. This is beneficial as you don’t need to worry about hurting your partner’s or anyone else feelings. This is why seeking emotional support is essential as it helps you to express feelings of loss and depression after a failed IVF attempt. By managing your emotional well being you will prepare yourself for another treatment option.
Assess your lifestyle
Your lifestyle plays a major role during the treatment process. A healthy lifestyle is crucial for optimizing fertility and increases the likelihood of a second IVF. To maintain a healthy lifestyle you can consume healthy food, exercise regularly, and maintain a proper sleep cycle. Also, stress can negatively impact your fertility and IVF outcomes. To deal with stress you can implement relaxation techniques, and mindful practices, and engage in activities that bring you joy. Assessing your lifestyle is important as it increases your chances of a successful treatment in the future.
Seek other treatment options
If your IVF treatment fails you can choose other treatment options as well which include;
Natural pregnancy: Many people assume that it is not possible to conceive a baby naturally after seeking out IVF and other infertility treatment options. However, this is not true and there is a chance of achieving pregnancy in future. This gives hope to some couples who may not be able to afford further IVF treatments.
Preimplantation Genetic Screening: Also known as Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS), this is an optional test that helps to analyse embryos before implantation. This helps to identify the genetic or chromosomal abnormalities which can impact your IVF cycle.
IVF with Donor Eggs: Another procedure you can try if you are facing issues with producing quality or sufficient quantity eggs. This procedure involves the placement of an embryo created via an egg donor. This option is best for individuals who are experiencing premature ovarian failure, lower ovarian reserve, and suffering from a genetic disease.
Second IVF
After an unsuccessful first attempt, you can undergo for second IVF cycle. Since you are aware of the reason behind the failure of the first attempt you can modify your treatment process. However, the success rate of second IVF may vary depending on the numerous factors it doesn’t guarantee that your second chance will be 100% successful.
Infertility is a common disorder in both males and females which makes it difficult to achieve pregnancy. To treat this condition you can book an appointment to visit an infertility specialist in Siliguri. However, the treatment may fail due to underlying conditions including embryo quality, age, and other factors. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end as there are other treatment options as well. If your IVF treatment fails you need to take a break, understand the cause, seek emotional support, assess your lifestyle, and prepare for a second IVF.

Dr. Priyankur Roy
Dr. Priyankur Roy is a distinguished expert in Infertility Treatment and Gynae-Endoscopy. With advanced qualifications from Germany and the UK, he excels in providing high-quality medical care.
This blog is clinically verified by Dr. Priyankur Roy to ensure accuracy and reliability.